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Driver Comparison - AMD Catalyst 13.9 vs AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta

AMD Radeon HD Driver Comparison

Hi. If you want to know which driver is best AMD Catalyst 13.9 or AMD Catalyst 13.10 beta, then just look bellow for final results, and there is no need to make the comparison yourself, as I did. If you want to download latest beta driver like 13.10 beta 2, you can download it from here for free.


Total War Rome II - AMD Catalyst 13.9 vs AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta - See More 

Arma III - AMD Catalyst 13.9 vs AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta - See More 

3DMark 11 - AMD Catalyst 13.9 vs AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta - See More 

Also you can download one of these drivers from above !

New drivers, always can improve general gaming performance but is a law.

So follow us to see more tests !

Driver Comparison - AMD Catalyst 13.9 vs AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta

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